Sunday, December 23, 2007

A kiddish try

My first poem....

I just waited for u to come ,

to grab me and take me with u,

I had my eyes glued on the door,

for I expected u to come through.

I waited and waited with baited breath,

that some day I'll see u,

feel u,touch u!

I waited eagerly

for that 'unpriceable' moment,

that glad, happening moment

when I can see u

when u'll take me away

to a far off land

and make me forget my world..!

ps: this was my first attempt at poetry. I had written this poem sometime in 2002. thats wat my diary says..:)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thoughts for the keeps…

My first post!!!

I have been pondering for days(actually two days.. during my exams. I had no better job to do in the exam hall) now as to what to post here. Something interesting and real.. of course I can put the stuff I have suttufied but I don’t want that to be my first post. After a deeeeeeeeeeeep thought, I have decided to pen my views on diary writing.

Inspiration: reading my own diary..:)J

Yesterday I was going through my diary. The moment I took it out from my shelf(hidden under my clothes :p) a bunch of papers fell down. On examining it I found some twenty chocolate wrappers, some rough sheets which had turned yellow (I vaguely remembered the various handwritings), one of my oldest question paper(july 2003) and so many like this. Nostalgic, I opened my diary and read my first entry. It was dated 5.4.2002. and I had written about how great my class (VIII-A) was and my best friends are.. and bla bla.. while I stopped at one line..
“the most important and memorable note in my life is my rough note” reading this line I burst out laughing. Of course it brought back sweet memories of schooldays to my mind but I had no clue as to which note I was referring to. It looked so silly.

Newayz.. the point I wanted to write about is… diary writing is simply the best way to express ourselves. For one thing- its Private, we need not be ashamed of what others would tell on reading it. And important thing writing errors take a backseat here. We are free to write anything from ‘I landed on moon’ to ‘I love the guy next door’ stuffs. Later, when we read through it, its stunning to see the transitions we have been through. What we liked then we it hate now. Or what we don’t like then, we like it now. Its the best feeling in the world- to read about ourselves.:)

Warning: you must guard ur diary like a lion else it might land u in trouble(specially if ur diary contains I love guy next door stuff :p)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

my insanity....

i should have been insane to start a blog. i say this mainly coz of two reasons.
1. i am the most laziest girl one can ever see in this whole planet.
2. when i sit to write something my creativity wages a war with me and after say, half an hour of frustrated attempts i close the window consoling i am not the type to blog.
so now why have i finally created a blog?
the answer is simple.. i created a blog after an extremely bored afternoon on a rainy day.i had nothing else to do and creating a blog seemed so interesting at that moment.
whatever be the case, now i have my blog!! yippie!!!
i may not post often
reason: procrastination..
i may post often
reason: i am extremely jobless now a days.!!
get.. set... read...
ps: kindly bear with my dreary entries. remember its the outcome of my insanity!!