Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My vacant brain is the genius behind this extraordinary post.

  • I somehow don’t seem to like this moody weather though I pined for it once. Now I am dreaming of the hot bright sunny day when I can go out cursing the hot sun for making my skin burn.
  • On an impulse, I googled my name and to my extreme surprise I actually found a link that is, in reality, associated with me!!!(You can try now :) )
  • I found working in my desktop is more joyous than working in my laptop (god knows why!)
  • I’ve decided not to have any purse (which I’m adept at losing). Don’t ask me how I will carry cash and other stuff that are spsd to be kept in a purse, I still haven’t figured it out.
  • I hate Nora Roberts books because its making me wonder about Ireland all the time and I end up googling Ireland and waste my time.
  • I found that changing the system date can cause google not to load gmail-chat(I know, I am an intelligent girl).
  • I sat down and wrote all the things that I have lost in the last one month and decided never to take such inventory ever again in my life! (the total no. was a staggering 20! L )
  • I’ve started to like chennai busses so much that even if I am late to an appointment, I wait and take the MTC buses to reach the destination :P
  • "He laughed so quickly, so richly, that she blinked." Somehow found this line so funny. (he refers to the handsome hero and she refers to a beautiful heroine in a novel)
  • SURPRISE- I am looking forward to the reopening of my college (no. now don’t think I am deranged. I’m not!)
  •  All of a sudden, streets of Chromepet is looking all too dull and empty.
  • During a very tough and a tiring exam, me and my friend giggled uncontrollably (trust me, we had not even covered 20pc of the syllabus) and earned the glare of other students doing serious prep. Well, not that we cared. We knew it was rude but we couldn’t control either.
  • The other day, I surprised my friend by replying to her sms after 5 days. (She had forgotten what she had asked! Kudos to my memory power! No. I don’t drink horlicks if that’s what u r thinking. :D)
  • I’ve started to like sun tv soaps!!!! (Now don’t murder me!)
  • I’m writing this in the middle of my internship report- in the place where I’m spsd to write my internship goals. :D
  • Realised to my joy that stock market can stimulate such thoughts in me. J

Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Ordinary People"

This is not any spl post or uncommon post. This mail has been circulating for a long time now.
Today, unwanted thoughts cluttered my mind and god knows why, this was the first thing that came to my mind and so here I'm posting it.

"Ordinary People"
Walking on the road, you pass so many people.
Some look confident, purposeful, well-dressed, well-maintained.
But the majority appear so ordinary, wear ill-fitting clothes, unfashionable footwear,
have too much fat or too little, nothing remarkable about them, nothing attractive. 

But yet someone somewhere eagerly waits for this unimpressive man to come home every evening.
Someone's entire world turns around the strength of this frail-looking woman.
Someone's very purpose in life hinges on this brash youngster cutting through traffic.
Someone knows only the shelter of these old arms each time their world begins to crumble.
Someone will count hours, minutes, and weep like a child when this pock-marked face alights from a long-distance train.

Someone will cave in, crack up, and never be the same again if this one person disappears from the face of the world.

"There are no ordinary people."