Monday, August 15, 2011


She was standing there. In her bedroom of the newly built house – nah, Home. Her new home. Looking out the window, Lost in thoughts, wondering what happened, looking back, though she has been told it’s a waste of time. Her eyes registered a vague sense of awareness, as though realising something for the first time. She wanted to grasp it, that unknown, unclear thread of sanity in her completely insane world. God is smiling at me now – She thought, looking up at the sky which seem to stretch infinitely. As though replying her thoughts, cool breeze washed over her face. She took it as an affirmation from God. And she smiled too. She knew that there is a reason for all that happened. She has been patient to find out why. 

She had been in her office that day. Tagged as ‘Newly wed’ and with that shy smile that can be seen only in a face which is, in truth, newly wed. Happily married and then she heard the news through a bizarre phone call. That fateful news that her husband met with an accident. She lost sense of the present. She thought the doctor must be crazy. But looking through the glass door of ICU, she knew.

She has never known how she lived through the haze that followed that fateful phone call. Today, looking back, its indifference, she thought. Wind kissed her face again as though smiling patiently at an adamant kid who refused to look at the obvious. She turned her face against the wind and looked at the people on the beach. They looked so small from her 13th floor balcony. She suddenly wondered if someone would be thinking about her.

When her husband died, everybody thought she would go into mourning by either crying for few days or turn it inwards and become miserable. She did neither. She embraced life as though she is living for her husband too. She did all that they had planned to do together with full josh. She lived life. People thought she didn’t care. Some thought she is so strong that she moved on. She didn’t care for either view. She lived on with unprecedented josh. Nobody would even guess that she lacked something in life. She had often asked herself if she lacked something in life. “No” came back her strong mind voice. She had everything. Yes. Everything she needed. God always knew what to do with her. Better than herself. So maybe, this was what she had wanted. She gave an unconscious shrug.

One thing that kept her going was the hope that she would somehow find the reason as to why it happened to her, of all the people. She wanted to know what God thought. It has happened. So there must surely be a reason. She just wanted to know it. 

So she faced everyday determined to find out why. Sometimes she felt she almost knew it but it was difficult to grasp. So she lived on. With that strong belief that she will one day find the reason for her life and that day would make her entire life worthwhile.

ps: Thank you IHM - Tejaswee for making me write this post.
pps: This post is dedicated to all those who have lost their loved ones and does not yet know how to deal with it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Dis-like" Facebook "Like"

FB status msg 1: "Go India go" -- 23 "likes"
FB status msg 2: "Yay its weekend" -- 47 "likes"
FB status msg 3: "Some quote ccped (cut copy pasted) from somewhere" -- 37 "likes"
FB status msg 4: "Some movie" -- 18 "likes"
FB status msg 5: "I wish" -- 21 "likes"
India Vs Pak highlights video -- 16 "likes"
Best ad ever video -- 32 "likes"
Profile pic change -- 54 "likes"
A blog link -- 37 "likes"
FB Status msg "May his/ soul RIP" - 256 "likes"
FB Status msg "May Japan Tsunami victims find solace" - 230 "likes"

What do you mean when you click "like" in FB?
Saddest state of  affairs! Mind what you click for you dont have the right to trivialize anything. ANYTHING!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What will you do?

Have you ever felt like sitting down all day staring at nothing not wanting to do anything?

Have you ever felt like you wanna laugh this minute and cry the next minute and storm n rage the next and go all quiet at the end of 4th minute?

Which will hurt more - You hurt inside and show ppl you are happy or you hurt inside and show it to everyone that u r hurt?

How pathetic it would feel when someone shows u sympathy when u want it d most and dont want to admit that u want it?

What will you do when you initiate a conversation you have been longing to for a long time with a person and after a moment into it, you feel like its a nightmare?

How long will it take to heal a broken heart?

How to stop missing someone when u know that missing only increases the pain?

How to stop feeling what u r feeling even after knowing that u shudnt feel that way?

Help me find answers! 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ladies Special

I am this office going girl from this year :) What a promotion after those never ending years of studies.Well its not over yet. But this temporary happiness of carrying a lunch box in one hand and swinging it happily back and forth and the handbag slung neatly over the other. I do it and grin and feel like I've grown tall.(That is debatable ofcourse!!) So yeah. Finally am commuting by train and that too in the elusive "Ladies Special". I call it elusive cause it arrives at the platform on dot. So naturally many ppl miss it atleast thrice a week :P. But I have mastered the art of being ON time and I dont miss it unless I consciously decide to skip it.(only when THE Boss not in station!)

Ladies spl or LS as called fondly by all ladies, is a boon given to the fairer sex.Away from all the hassles of the overcrowded peak time trains, a train where all the compartments(I mean ALL the compartments :9-car or 12-car) are available ONLY for ladies. Ha. No pointed stares from men, no accidental brush of hand from any a**h***, no teasing,no grumbling, absolutely no reason to accommodate 5 ppl in  a sq.foot of space in the train! Its awesome to travel in the LS with ladies everywhere. I was initially surprised to find that this entire train for ladies runs at full capacity. Sometimes there is even scarcity of seats if you get in at later stations(from tambaram to beach). The privileged class rush to make it to this spl train in the mornings and in the evenings. After a converstaion with a fellow passenger, I found out that their office lets ladies go early so they can make it to this train in the evenings. Whoa! now thats awesome right? And there was another lady who rushed to the platform only to look at so many ladies' sad face in the platform and realize that she, like the owners of other sad faces, has missed that elusive train by minutes. Later I gathered that she had not even stopped to greet a long lost friend whom she had met accidentally on her dash to the platform. All this for the elusive!

While this twice a day service initiative is highly appreciated by the women-folk,men are not so happy. Especially about the morning service. You should look at the faces of those in the platform!! I'm sure they would be ready to kill all womenfolk at one go. I could literally hear the thoughts behind their sad/longing/angry(read kola veri) eyes of those men in the station. I happen to miss that train one day and I asked one gentleman who was eyeing the train that was speeding by in front of us. He said that its unfair to have a train specially for ladies while there is nothing like that for men. When I pointed out that "General" compartments usually carry no women in it, he replied me with a murderous stare. I agree. Five minutes in that peak time is very crucial. You enter three mins late and the boss will be waiting to ask you why you are late(when u go early, there will be noone in the office!) So missing an entire train is like a curse to men. I dont blame them cause the next train will be doubly crowded due to lack of service for 'men' for 20 full minutes.

We, ladies, talk about equality.  So where is it now? Is it fair to claim equality in select areas and conveniently accept and praise this kind of initiative? Americas and Europes dont have these demarcation. So why is it that we have it in our country?

Anyway, I absolutely love it and I'm very happy and lucky to be the privileged one! :) :)