Monday, July 14, 2008

The story of a girl:):)

Sweet nothings!!

‘Ha.. life is beautiful!’ varsha thought as she walked along d road near her house. She quietly smiled to herself. She hurried a few pace, her face radiant and exhibiting her profound happiness. She wanted to tell this to someone. Someone, who will be truly touched by this news. Someone, who cares n who will be as happy as she is now. Ya... She will tell her best friend sowmya. Varsha’s mind reeled back into the past. She had met sow (that’s how varsha called sowmya) during her higher secondary studies and some people stay forever in your life and for varsha, sow is one such person. Always calm, quiet and supportive in what ever varsha does. When they met they knew instantly that they r going to b friends for life. And they are.

A small frown crossed her face as she thought about what happened yesterday. One would call it silly and dismiss it. Varsha didn’t though. She had not messaged sow properly for the past two days. The reason she didn’t msg was that this aircel had limited the no. of free sms to 100 and varsha is having a tough time reducing her msgs. “Why r they doing this???” she thought angrily, scowling at a dog which ran past her. She wanted to msg everyone but its not possible now. And the worst is she couldn’t fit sow in her daily msgs.

The 100 msgs get over by the noon n she even tried replying at 20p per sms after that. But now she has no balance either. So she must think of sum way or other to reduce her msgs to others. She didn’t like the very idea of telling this to hari.

Her face had lost a little bit of the happiness that was present while walking in the street, as she now climbed the stairs to her house n punched on d doorbell.

A tall guy opened d door. he was not wat u wud call handsome at d first meet. But he had a charm which attracted people towards him. Athletic, a bit on d darker shade (he has it as a complex- being dark. But he never seem to realize dat gals love dark guys better. “wink”) He didn’t even look up as she entered. He was busy operating his mobile. He was her cousin arun, staying in her house for his studies. They used to fight always and home would usually b quiet if either of them is missing. Varsha had always yearned for an elder brother and when he came along some two years back she was so happy though they had not talked much before that. Just a hi n a little formal chat had all that had taken place between them before he came along. But now they shared many things(but arun often complaints that varsha never says anything to him and that she is not spending much time with him). Varsha once again smiled and went into her room. She was very happy and she wanted to relive the conversation she had had earlier that day with hari. She quietly closed the door and switched on the pc. She hummed her favorite song as d pc slowly booted. She didn’t even c arun noticing her, through d crack of d door, from d hall. She was in her own small world.

Varsha is a grad, now preparing hard for her cat exams. She is a topper in her school and has an aggregate of 85% in her college. She is intelligent (dull at times),a bit reserved with strangers. But once she gets acquainted with people there is no stopping her. She goes into mood swings often and one moment she wud b this cheerful girl appreciating life for its great things while the other minute she wud miss someone terribly and talk philosophy about life and its cold hands. She is short tempered and easily provoked. Her family shifted to Chennai from coimbatore during her 9th std because her mother got transferred. She had often wished she was still in coimbatore. That place holds so many loving memories-from silly to sad for she grew up in that place.

Having come to Chennai she stubbornly thought she wud find no friends here and vowed she wud not b close with anyone because she did not want to experience the pain of parting again. But life has its own way of muddling people’s views and feelings. Fate brought 4 wonderful friends to her here in Chennai and now she is praying she wont lose them at any cost. During her college days she got acquainted with this hari. He seemed to bring in everything she missed in her life. He was loving caring n bla bla. All d qualities a girl wud look for in a boy. More than that, he was someone special. She slowly started hoping that she was that someone special. In simple words she fell in love with this hari and one fine day she proposed him. He didn’t accept but he didn’t reject either. He was in a dilemma and wanted to savour the pleasure of being single. So she waited and now he has accepted. Varsha felt as though the world is made for her and hugged the air. Even the people who passed her on the road knew that this girl was happy. It was written all over her face and she felt it too. A sense of belonging to someone, secure in his love.



karthika said...
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Dreamer said...

any resemblance to real life characters are purely coincidental:P:P (wink)

Anonymous said...

engayo keta nyabagam. ,. ,,
nee ezhudhinadha unaku theriyama padicha nyabagam ... lol

Dreamer said...

lol.. ada paavi.. idha naane unaku kaamichiruken.. dog.. pazhaka doshathula nee thirtuthanama padichiruppa :P

Anonymous said...

Hey.. I learnt from some random source on the internet that you took RBI's Young Scholar Award Scheme exam. Well, I was wondering if you could give me an insight of how to prepare for it coz the syllabus given on the RBI website looks huge. On a better inspection I think most of the stuff is useless.
I'll be checking the comments area of this particular blog post regularly waiting for your reply.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Btw.. you write pretty well.. brilliant post


Dreamer said...

hello yogesh..
how did u get to kno that i took up that particular exam?
yeah d syllabus looks pretty huge but when it comes down to actual exam its not as tough as it seems. its basic gk and wat u might have studies abt rbi n its power control bla bla in schools.