Thursday, October 15, 2009

He is just not that into ME

I had a chance to watch this movie a couple o days back and it is a typical romantic comedy drama of the hollywood but with great cast. it gave me a few things to wonder ( These things are lot more easier to think about than the pending cwa syllabus!!) There were two characters who impressed me most. 1. that Beth, who was in a relationship for 7 years with a guy so perfect and understanding except for a minor flaw that he didnt want to get married. He was of the opinion that marriages are for people who feel very insecure about their relationship and that tey get married just to confirm that they will not go behind another person. Now thats a strange thought. often we have looked at marriage as the final thing to a wonderful relationship.Atleast thats what our culture has taught us. But this thought is the beautiful other side of the coin.( if my mom gets to smell even d slightest of these thoughts of mine, i would be in the streets before i can even blink my eyes.) Now talking about beth, like any other girl she wanted marriage and left the guy because he was not ready to give that to her. during her days alone, she realised that the guy she had was tons better than the "husbands" her sisters had. so bak to the heron all is well :) But the guy was damn sweet. he proposed marriage saying that if he even wants to have a shot at happiness, then he wanted beth happy. wow. That was so romantic!!!

Another character i loved was this one guy called Alex. i mainly liked him cause he was damn cute!! i wouldnt call him hot though. He is this cute lookin guy who just lives life and have fun. he goes out with a lot of girls but always maintains it at an arm's length that he doesnt realise when he actually finally fell for one of the girls. He will finally call her "his exception". :)

Very girly movie but after all its fun to be a girl :) :)


kishen.aparna said...

Well, I had seen the movie almost a year back when it released, hence, don't remember the characters' names, but do remember the story & artistes. I did like the movie as I found the characters quite thought provoking. Scarlett Johanson stood out amongst them as the girl who falls in love with a married guy(Bradley Cooper) & I reckon me & ma friend having a discussion on whether or not its a sin(!!) to fall 4 a married guy. Well, we had come to the conclusion that unlike in India, marriage should not be institutionalized. Sometimes ur just stuck with wrong guy & the society is such that u find it hard to break free & u entire life is reduced to a living macabre. After all, when it's ur life, why should those around u bug so long as u don't nudge their private space. And as for live in relationships, I totally agree that it's the fear & insecurity of a relation that pushes you to marriage; the same reason why in India a short time span is kept between a marriage & engagement, lest the guy may change his mind!. But, what good is a relation on rocks. Its all a question of surviving with a braver face to the society.....irrespective of whether u r living ur life ur way or not.

here2enchant said...

wow... your way of writing has improved a lot d. This post is really nice! :)

Dreamer said...

@ kishen aparna..
yes.. its totally a crap system v have but v r stuck wid it except for a few liberated souls who dare to challenge this.

@ pavi..
thanks d... :)