Friday, February 19, 2010

I dont envy anyone!!

I have heard a lot of people say that they ENVY something or someone.(mostly someone!)
Even I used to feel envious of many people but suddenly when I read this at my friend's page something made me uneasy.
She has a great family and she had written a caption under a pic which shows a happy family together as "I envy them".
And it hit me, why should she ENVY those ppl? its after all an artificial ad while she has a real solid and a better family for herself. Maybe she didnt get the meaning of the word envy but I learnt a lesson that moment.
I have everything in my life that I can possibly wish for(almost everything) and I absolutely have no reason to envy anyone. If I dont have something that someone else has, well then its what differentiates me and that person. Its me and entirely me and there is no point envying about anything or anyone. What we have might be hundred times better than that "envied something".

ps: one of my friends had wirtten in her blog, "Just like my name belongs to me, my stupidity, kiddishness and insanity belongs to me" and yes all of us have our fair share of ownership. Its what defines us. Lets be proud of what we are!


Subha.R said...

is that frnd the proud p.r?

Dreamer said...

the very same :)

Vidya said...

True.. Today i got a msg, which said, "Dont expect others 2 b like u! Coz life becomes boring when u have to live only with ur shadows".
How true?

Dreamer said...

how true!!! :)

CDey said...

Confidence in ourselves is critical for feeling "complete". This is one way to get rid of feelings like envy and heart burn. :)

Dreamer said...

heart burn-- yes!!! :)