Monday, March 22, 2010

Did you mean it?

I was talking to a friend of mine. She said "Sorry I couldnt get back to you earlier. I was having my exams." I had asked her a favour some 2 months back. Actually I had forgotten all about it. You think she really meant that "sorry" she said? I doubt. Even if it had been me, I wouldnt have meant it cause if I had felt so sorry for not getting back to my friend, I wouldnt have let that come to this stage in the first place.I mean I would have responded immediately.Another example.I was walking with a friend of mine in the colorful Pondy bazaar lane and we were talking about one new shop and that we have to visit once. She immediately told that she had already been there and she stopped, realisation hitting her ( She had not planned on telling me that she had visited this shop for she had come with her bf). I realised what was going through her mind and started talking about dumb stuff so that there is no embarrassing pause and she suddenly stopped me and said " I'm really sorry, I should have told you. But he didnt want me to tell." I vigorously nodded and assured her that if thats what he wanted then thats what she ought to do and we walked on. My point here is, what is the point of sorry here? I mean she perfectly knew that she is not spsd to tell me then why sorry?Sorry that she told now? or sorry that she followed his words(I'm sure its not the case) or what? I totally dont get it.
Sorry is a very powerful word. But nowadays, its used too commonly that it has lost its significance.Even when you really mean it,it just does not bring in that effect anymore. Ppl have modified it and now say "I'm REALLY sorry"(Otherwise what- are you not REALLY sorry?) or " I apologise"(A substitute which is not as much damaged as sorry?).

Another ill-treated word is "Thank You".
When somebody says Thank you, it should give you a feeling that what you have done to earn this thank you is something that means a lot to the person saying thank you. Only then does thank you have a meaning. But we use it too carelessly. I do and I hate every time I have to use thank you that way. It has become a courtesy act which has become a symbol of politeness(If u say thank you, then you are polite!!!!). Nobody seems to understand that it has to come from the heart.

The most insulted words in my opinion "I love you"
Thanks to movies, the words "I love you" has totally lost its meaning. It has become this fancy phrase that if you tell it to someone(especially to opposite sex), it makes you cool! You see someone and you immediately fall for that person and the first thing that you want to tell her/him is "I Love You". I honestly dont know what the person means by that at that time. Love is a very complete, complex, pure and well, sacred word.
I found this in wikipedia -
"Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my wife"). This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states."

When it is so difficult for so many people to even understand what Love really means, I am at a loss to understand how people use it so casually. And telling it too often also loses its impact.Many seem to use this phrase to reiterate the feeling of "love" which they might forget if not told 10 times in a span of one minute. Many people prefer the subtle Ron-hermione track in Harry Potter than the obvious Harry-Cho romance. I do. Never once in the book, would Ron or Hermione say that fatal "I love you" Phrase. It has a beautiful touch to it. Subtlety always scores over the obvious(atleast in my opinion).

Well, I'm no exception to this. I have murdered these words a lot of times too. But I am learning.


Unknown said...

I agree that ppl use these words without knowing its importance.. But now it has become a custom to use it ( can't help it). Now i want to know how many of them use these words to me just for heck of using it??? dog, r u in that list?

Dreamer said...

@ rad.. may b.. may b not.. :D

Nirmal said...

ore comedy

Dreamer said...

wat is comedy?

here2enchant said...

I agree to thank you's and sorry's but not I love you's... :)

The Eternal Seeker said...

In software firms there are words like innovation and creativity which are bludgeoned everyday :|
Trivialization of expressions, a sad state of affairs indeed.

Mariette said...

Think plp say sorry in all those situations so that they feel better.. But in the end it doesnt matter coz they dont mean it..

Dreamer said...

@pavi, :)

@eternal seeker, lol..:)

@hari, yes it doesnt..

Sriram said...

I completely agree with the 'i love u 'part.Acc to me, it is too complicated for a person to feel love as soon as he/she sees someone of the opposite sex. It sounds too abstruse for me to comprehend coz it never happens to me the way they depict love in movies.In VTV, simbu says to trisha, "When u are a few hundred feet away from me, i feel like hugging u. When u are pretty close to me, i feel like kissing u. So i love u". I am still wondering why ppl like gowtham choose to interpret love in such a rude way.

Dreamer said...

@sriram.. i think there is a slight misinterpretation there.. i doubt if goutham menon meant it that way.. but anyways movies do give a wrong interpretation..

Sriram said...

well, i couldn't translate verbatim. but thats wat all i remember abt the movie. . . i accept my memory isn't that good.

Anonymous said...

You probably murdered more than just words with your unmeant sorries.

Vysh @The Colourful Eyes said...

Hi.. Got stuck by ur Blog title, Roamed across the blog.
By reading this particular post, lik to respond n so m here:
Loved the way f angle U presented! And yea its happening !! m learning too Coz Nw the ppl juz folows to b in gudbuks bt nt wit the originality !! Sad!

Dreamer said...

@ Vysh @The Colourful Eyes

Hey thanks :)

Keep visiting :)