Monday, April 27, 2009

``````To all my FRIENDS``````

To all these people I owe, not just my life but something more..

In no particular order..

Sowmiya Devi: My friend for the past ten years. Always sporting a smile and never “Unavailable” for me. Aunty’s chapathi rocksJ and uncle’s kalsaifyings:-). Do you remember that photo session at your place when we were in 8th? Ur bro took d pics n I was looking like a “kid lost in a storm” and u like a “latest fashion sensation” n datcha looking so serious as though a bomb is about to fall over our heads (I have the pic with me). For all those wonderful times at your place and outside, thank you.:-)

Ps: At some point in life, do visit my place at least once. You owe that to me!!!

Dhanayanthi: That serious looking tall girl whom I befriended some ten years ago and since then I have been entitled to the pleasures of doing things “together”. Be it studies or cycling or chatting or shopping or anything. I never forgave you for being better than me at math when we studied with my cousin sis at my place. I used to wonder how u got all the ans right when I couldn’t even remember the sum. Those kiddish days! Do you remember that day when v almost ran(read as rolled) over from the bus stop to my place at 9 in the nite? We were late coming back from sow’s place n we lied to my mom that ur bro accompanied us. Ha ha ha. That was when I found out that I could walk so fast and hey u will always be my walking partner. Honestly I have never found someone keeping such a fast pace with me while walking, in all these years.

Mithun. Do u remember him? Wow. His one player shuttle game in his house motta madi when we were playing in your house motta maadi. Those early morning classes to that “akka” ‘s place for math and that sir’s house opposite to your place. I once walked out of the class cause u challenged me to leave. lol..! stay the same d :-)

Janaki and Aparna: Last benchers, excellent singers. Aparna- I will never forget your vasantha raga varnam which u sung in cca class. I’ve lost touch with u but u prat, u never gave me your phone no. during that rare chat we had some 2 months back. Janaki my hp-discussion partner. I still remember that Sanskrit revision tests where we outscored even Swaminathan cause we already knew the questions from that book (I forgot d name:-( ). You have not changed much d. Stay the same but u can occasionally notice other ppl’s earrings and listen to arr’s latest songs:-)

Sangeetha: My first friend in a then alien place. It seems so long- 5 years ago- when I came here and everything looked so hazy and so fast. It seemed stranger that a girl would extend her hands to me to introduce herself. Well, then it was no mystery that u are a a a well bit “nuts”. Btw did you finish that Nancy Drew book you got? All those cycle trips to school in d hot sun and your whining and laughter! Don’t I miss those fun days?!? The very first person to call me “Priya”. Funny how that name caught on. Hey I love that swing at your place even after I have got my own!!

Soundarya: I don’t know exactly how I became friends with this girl. My only close friend outside of my section in that new school. I wouldn’t tell that we were close when this girl suddenly brought a friendship band n a card for on d friendship day. That was when I realized that we are friends. Until I came to your house I didn’t know what it was to go to a friend’s place and talk to her entire family. I really owe that to u soun for I still cherish all those times with aunty, uncle n your bro.

Preethi (aka) bulb: Sorry de couldn’t resist from calling u bulb. You are more familiar as bulb than as PreethiJ. A tsunami and an earthquake rolled into one. Yeah. I have always admired your happy go lucky character, the way you seem to accept things and be satisfied with it-Amazing! You lite ah irritate me at times but I don’t think anyone can stay angry with u for more than five mins. U absolutely rock:-) And for heaven sake stay d same. Don’t get serious for any reason.:-)

Vaishnavi: You still puzzle me Vaish. I won’t tell that I have understood you like I have understood my other friends. May be cause u have always kept your thoughts to yourself. But I realized that I didn’t know the real you at all until that fight broke out a few days ago. You were more matured than I’ve ever been and that’s when I understood that I have loads more to learn in life. I respect you for telling all that u told me on that “not so great” day. In a way I am thankful that we fought, for otherwise, I would never have really known you.

Ashwin: My “tall” friend. I think even Amitab Bachchan would look short if he stands next to u. How did you grow so tall? Do tell me cause I wouldn’t mind growing a bit tall. One person outside of my family who has seen my transition from school days to what I am now. I know that you don’t like me the way I am now. But I can’t help it! You are one of the reasons why I am like this. Do stay in touch and I will always remain ‘Preethi’ to you.

Vinoth: My cousin bro. ha. We have argued and one person with whom the argument remains as purely argument and the next minute we are partners in eating ice creams. I have always looked upto you since when I was a kid. Do you remember that SAV van? U came to check if I were safe, on my first day in van. (I was studying 1st std then n u were in your 8th I guess). Those bangles from kanyakumari. You once broke open a battery in that Maruthi Nagar house and I thought you were “cool” and I wanted to be like you! My only bright spot in coming to Chennai five years ago was that you would be there to give company. My days with you n Nirmal still remains to be some of the best days of my life:-)

Nirmal: aha! Here comes the hero. Nah the villain! Lol. I don’t know. May be u are a hero-villain to me. A perfect bro! Ever fighting and the most helping. You are partly to be blamed for my being so lazy! My inspiration to listen to Hindi songs (nobody to tell me which song to hear anymore:-( ). And one important thing- I look kinda good (no tension) in a lot of photos is cause of this guy. If not for u, I wouldn’t have had so many photos to show off in the first place. So at least for that I will say—u r d best bro anyone can every have:-):-)

Radhika: Five years of solid friendship with this girl and I still don’t know what to write. May be because what I feel cannot be expressed in words. The quietest of all my friends after Vaishnavi. She is this clichéd friend to me- always understanding, caring, loving and everything that an ideal friend should be. I am damn lucky to have got you. Without you I would have forgotten half the deadlines. How do you manage to be so sensible? I will never get that. My mom loves you more than she loves me. In fact my entire family loves you. I don’t know if I have been as good a friend to you as you have been to me but trust me, I am trying!

Pavithra: ha ha ha ha! Ok d.. no tension. Pavi is one unique friend of mine. When I was hating college for what it is, I found this girl and since then life has never been the same for me. For one reason, I realized that I was sane after all cause this girl is THE LIMIT for every thing there is in the world. She is one monkey (honestly d so much happiness while telling this). She is happy with what ever she has and she sees the world wearing these pink glasses and guess what, she manages to survive wearing those glasses without hurting others or herself. Talk to her for five minutes and you will be rolling on the floor laughing. Until then you would never even have considered such a funny side to a spsdly very serious issue. Do u get an image of a clown in your mind? Well u r not even close to imagining pavi. There is this strange thing between us. We can relate to each other better than any two ppl in the world simply because we are equally insane when it comes to “life”. We have many things in common-independent, highly distracted, take big serious things in our stride and break down for smaller things of life and I can go on. One of the many amazing things bet us is that what ever happens in life, it seem to happen to both of us at the same time. Its just too much that even our moms are similar!! I have learnt a lot of things from you d.. like appreciating the good in everybody, looking at the lighter side of things however grave they may seem, to live today, to act on impulse and most importantly you showed me that being a monkey can after all be fun!! Bundle of laughs and smiles!!

I owe a lot to you for everything d. You have made me a better person er perhaps monkey!! :p

Karthika: Opposite poles attract. May be that’s how we became friends! You are everything that I am not- intelligent, professional, thorough, and sophisticated. I admire your ability to talk anyone into considering anything. You know what, I completely agree with you kar, “Always be careful for you never know whats on the other side of the keyboard!” I am following this piece of advice to the last letter. I would like to tell you that, despite all the misunderstandings, you are one of my bestest friends who made a difference to my life.

Prem: well. I have known this guy for the past 3 years and I should say that he turned my life topsy turvy. Without you I would have never learnt what it means to love, hate, be happy, be sad and all other human emotions. You made me grow up from being a girl and face life like a woman. You were the one who got me started on English songs and yea I have progressed from pop to other genre:-). And yeah I think I know to keep my mail ids n pw safe, thanks to u:-). I wish you have a great life and good luck for GRE and CAT.

Vimal: I’ve never fought with anyone as much as I have fought with this guy and I have never made up as soon with anyone else either! We fight on and off but I always respect this one. Can talk about anything under the sky with him and he will respond in that leisurely pace as though he has nothing better to do other than chatting with you about that really stupid topic and what more he will make you feel like the most important person in the whole world. I would like to know one day how you do it nuJ and I would also like to know how u actually manage to multi task so many things and still spend so much time with your friends? Really man! You just rock!:-) Remember that prank you played on me? And that quarrel in the guindy station? You walked out on me!!!

To me, you will always remain spl for you made me happy and helped me realize that love is indeed “unconditional” and it need not always be ‘showcased’.

Swaminathan: If I could change one thing from my past, I would gladly erase that period when I deliberately avoided you. I was completely an idiot and I apologize with all my heart for being that stupid! You are one person who makes me realize that I am more a monkey than a good girl!! grrr.. And I must tell you, I have always admired your patience with me. However foul my temper is, you seem to hear me out patiently. All d accusations included! That is really a tough task for I can be really rude when I’m in a rage! Thank you for everything and yes you owe me Swiss chocolates. Don’t you forget!!

Karthik: At first I thought he is just another guy. Then I ‘happened’ to get to know him better and voila! He is just one of the best! Someone who has strange theories about every little thing in the world.. You were the one who taught me that the point of living is to show life that we are smarter! I’ll never ever forget that lesson I learnt. Hey I’m absolutely bowled over as to how to word my thoughts! Anyways I don’t think I need to say for I can trust you to understand that you will always remain as that ‘Someone spl’ to me.

A few others..

-Haripriya- That first English class in 11th std when I knew absolutely nobody, you called me to join your group. I owe you one for that!!

-Aarthee- I would have never liked any of my 12th std English class had it not been for you and Sumathi. Remember that song list you guys created?

-Pavitra.K- I learnt a new definition for friendship from you and I tell you, your attitude towards people is just awesome!

-Subhashini- shubha! My cat prep partner!! Apart from Pavi, you are the only person who has actually identified that I have poor ‘reaction’ skills.

-Sreemathy & Vat- My business plan partners. And best team any person can imagine to work with.

-Revathi & Ramitha- Without these two brains sitting next to me in class and invariably lending notes(also sharing answer sheets during exams) to every subject, I would have been chucked out of my PG course on day one. I really owe them big time :)

-Sowmya- We share not just our birthdays, but a lot more complicated things!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Present Tense of LiFe!

It seems like yesterday that i was dropped in the primary school with two pony tails and a micromini lunchbox.
It seems like yesterday that i got my 10th std results and planned for d biggest change of my life-shifting to chennai..
It seems like yesterday that i, in an alien place(chennai), cycled my way to a strange school studying brand new subjects in hsc..
It seems not long back when I looked at those hi-fi girls in coll, wondering if i will ever fit there.(actually hating it for joining there)
It seems like just now that I stepped into second yr and then third yr with attendance struggle and semester blues..
And today, its all over!!Having Completed my Under Graduation, currently halting at the crossroad of my life---important one at that!!

Today I was looking back on all those things that have happened over the years. those people who have made me the way i am.And I wished a lot of things had never happened and a lot more had happened.. I wished I was still that "reserved girl". I WISHED a lot of things and suddenly I realised-- I am not living this minute by wishing for something that just cant happen how much ever I WISH!!

We are all carried away by our past or worried about what the future may hold at any given time. Its perfectly natural but we 'grow up' when we realise that v have to live in the present and that no matter how much we worry, things that are 'meant' to happen WILL happen!! so whats the point of worrying about the past or planning too much for the future?

Today is the greatest gift and lets enjoy this very minute. We will never get it again.
I came across this version about life in one of my friend's profile in Orkut-
"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is much more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

So go ahead and live ur to the fullest..:)
Simple things that can really make ur day-
  • Laugh aloud
  • Indulge in things u absolutely love; however silly it might be(b it jumping into a puddle or singing on top of ur voice in d middle of a road!!)
  • Give a pleasant surprise to someone
  • Break silences
  • Write with both hands
  • Dance ur way to glory(doesnt matter if u r as bad as me in dancing! v will create a new style)
  • Dont bother with trivialities..
  • Eat colorful ice creams:):)
If u feel like doing something, do it that instant-cause when u pause to think, the moment might b lost forever.. that is, after all, "The Present Tense of Life!!"

Life is simple and lets not complicate it (philosophy borrowed from pavi :D)