Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Present Tense of LiFe!

It seems like yesterday that i was dropped in the primary school with two pony tails and a micromini lunchbox.
It seems like yesterday that i got my 10th std results and planned for d biggest change of my life-shifting to chennai..
It seems like yesterday that i, in an alien place(chennai), cycled my way to a strange school studying brand new subjects in hsc..
It seems not long back when I looked at those hi-fi girls in coll, wondering if i will ever fit there.(actually hating it for joining there)
It seems like just now that I stepped into second yr and then third yr with attendance struggle and semester blues..
And today, its all over!!Having Completed my Under Graduation, currently halting at the crossroad of my life---important one at that!!

Today I was looking back on all those things that have happened over the years. those people who have made me the way i am.And I wished a lot of things had never happened and a lot more had happened.. I wished I was still that "reserved girl". I WISHED a lot of things and suddenly I realised-- I am not living this minute by wishing for something that just cant happen how much ever I WISH!!

We are all carried away by our past or worried about what the future may hold at any given time. Its perfectly natural but we 'grow up' when we realise that v have to live in the present and that no matter how much we worry, things that are 'meant' to happen WILL happen!! so whats the point of worrying about the past or planning too much for the future?

Today is the greatest gift and lets enjoy this very minute. We will never get it again.
I came across this version about life in one of my friend's profile in Orkut-
"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is much more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

So go ahead and live ur to the fullest..:)
Simple things that can really make ur day-
  • Laugh aloud
  • Indulge in things u absolutely love; however silly it might be(b it jumping into a puddle or singing on top of ur voice in d middle of a road!!)
  • Give a pleasant surprise to someone
  • Break silences
  • Write with both hands
  • Dance ur way to glory(doesnt matter if u r as bad as me in dancing! v will create a new style)
  • Dont bother with trivialities..
  • Eat colorful ice creams:):)
If u feel like doing something, do it that instant-cause when u pause to think, the moment might b lost forever.. that is, after all, "The Present Tense of Life!!"

Life is simple and lets not complicate it (philosophy borrowed from pavi :D)

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