Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My W.O.R.L.D

Now that I'm into my course completely, getting lil time to do other things but today I made time to write this post because I wanted to boast to the entire world that I've got one person in my life who is simply E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G to me.

Wondering who that is? well.. Its my mom. My mom. THE best mom in the entire universe.!
Daily I pack my breakfast and lunch to college as I usually have a long day in college. Mostly I eat whatever my mom prepares and give but sometimes I'll miss taking my lunch cause of various reasons ranging from being busy or no hunger to a crave for eating hot food(this reason is of course very rare for the sheer reason that if i have to go to canteen, I'll have to climb down three floors and again back and in that hunger that will look like climbing Himalayas.)
Usually this crave for hot canteen food will corrupt my mind when my lunch box has these greeny goody vegetables like brinjal or beetroot. Yesterday was one such day when my lunch was some rice with brinjal and I had this crave for the hot hot sambar rice of my coll canteen(it will be yummy!). I went to canteen and had a superb lunch and as a result took back my tifin box unopened back home(trust me I had plans to eat it sometime later but somehow it dint happen :( ).

And my mom saw the box and she happens to notice it everytime I take back my lunch(Hark my luck!). Yesterday she saw it and she got so angry.My mom has this ability where in she can be very cool about what happened and completely make me feel like I've committed a murder and squirm with guilt. Yest this was the cause for the dishoom dishoom between us. She declared that she will not pack me any lunch from now on and that I can eat daily in canteen.It ended up with my marching into my room and burying into my laptop as though I've a never ending college work. She didnt kandufy me at all which irked me even more. Well, I was actually hungry but I was so angry with my mom that I just drank the milk which she gave(I mean she kept in the table- I assumed that it was for me!! :P) and slept hungrily.

Today morning, I woke up late(She didnt wake me up!!) and hurried to get ready to college and I saw ONE neatly packed tiffinbox in the table instead of two. It completely put me off. I didnt think my mom would really do what she said yesterday. I got so upset and angry that I left to college without even telling anyone at home that I'm leaving. I dont like such kinda mornings when I dont get to talk properly to my family. I scowled all the way to my college( I guess I scared a couple of ppl. I reached college and put my mobile inside the bag in a huff and didnt bother with it.

After a break around 10.15.AM(My coll starts at 8 AM), I checked my mobile and found 1 missed call and 3 msgs. I couldnt believe my eyes. THREE MSGS from my MOM! My mom never msgs for the simple reason that she doesn know how to. She would rather call and even if I send a msg to her, it would be ME who reads that msg of mine after she returns back home in the night. She had sent three msgs to me.
1. "Did you eat breakfast?"
2. "Call me during your break"
3. "Dont miss your lunch" followed by a missed call.

HUH.. Well. I choked. Thats my mom. I'm fairly sure that her morning would have been even worser than mine and nothing, I repeat, NOTHING would have made my mom send msgs to my mobile. Its just the love she has for me. I called her during my break and she broke down when I said that I had my breakfast. Silly her!!

I've realised umpteen times that my mom does everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, just for me. Only me. She made sure that I had a life that any girl would envy to have. She cared without being suffocating(I know people who complain that there is no INDEPENDENCE for them in their house and that their parents are over protective). She gave me all the freedom I wanted and has drawn no line that I've to stay within.
She has her own way of making me feel guilty. If I dont score marks, she will be the first person who cheers me up saying that there is always the "next time" which will make me feel guilty that I've let her down.
YET, she has brought me up with fine qualities. I cant remember her raising her hands on me. Actually she never has. Not even a light pinch.
Moms are very sharp and living proof is mine. If I make a mistake, she would act as though she didnt notice it until I realise it myself that I was wrong.After the enlightenment that what I did was wrong, I would go tell her that this happened and I'm sorry and she will wave her hand with that easy smile, perfectly knowing what happened. It would amaze me to realise that she had known it all long and yet she had kept quiet giving time for me to learn never once telling "told you so". Honestly she rocks.

But inspite of these realisations, I've raged at her for the smallest of things, let her do all the work when I could have done(well its not exactly my fault- whenever I get up to do any work, she says its over and then what am I spsd to do?!!). I've pulled long faces when she had scolded me and a lot of other things which will make me look like a heartless daughter!

It would be an understatement if I say that I adore her. Its like her that I want to be, some ten years down the lane of my life. Someone who my daughter(or son) could be proud of.


here2enchant said...

How stupid of you to tell that its very long with a sad emoticon! When I read that she broke down, i couldn't help feeling heavy and smiling at the same time. I can imagine how RUDE you wud have behaved. Panni!

Dreamer said...

@ pavi,
I know :(
I'm forgiving you this time for supporting her because I WAS rude!
I promise I'll make it up to her. :)
and one more. I had ur mom too in my mind when I wrote all these. I was unable to differentiate between ur mom n mine.

here2enchant said...

Well not your mistake that they are so similar! :) kudiya seekram i will post the one i have as a draft. It is implied that aunty will be on my mind when I write it! :)

here2enchant said...

Btw, I designed this flower d! How is it?

Unknown said...

romba kovam nu u didnt have dinner ah? poi...poi.. last evening full kattu katirpa ..correct ah? lol ;) so sad of aunty, she would have been worrying abt u whole morning..try to b a gud gal like me ..seri ya?.

Dreamer said...

@ rad.. eve didnt have much. adhu yennadhu? gud girl u ah. well..i wont damage u in public since u have commented for my post :)

swami said...

Well.. sad that i had to wait two days to read this post.. :) You are jus so lucky :)

Dreamer said...

yup.. I'm :)

Unknown said...

So beautifully scripted :).. Every sentence brought me my own memories of small misunderstandings with my mom.. True, we've been selfish many times in our short sighted mindset and haven't given our mom the due credit they deserve for all that they have done and are still doing for us.. lets make sure we make them comfortable and happy in future :)

Dreamer said...

@janaki.. yes d.. lets :)

dilip said...

u know u r sooo lucky.... wish id be in ur place atleast for a day.... i'd even exchange half my lifetime for a yr with a mom like urs...

Unknown said...

Preethi: Read this post long back and fought with u.. hope u remember. just felt like reading it again... nice de:)

Unknown said...

Preethi: Read this post long back and fought with u.. hope u remember. just felt like reading it again... nice de:)

Dreamer said...


thanks de.. thanks for remembering and reading it again!

Yeah I remember. u called me in the middle of the day and fought wid me! :)