Monday, March 22, 2010

The arena of Dreamers

The Dream....
always begins in the blink of an eye. Imagine you are a 10yr old standing by d side of an athletic track, holding ur father’s hand. Then you watch this magnificent athlete, striding down the runway, the pole gripped in her hand, her teeth clenched, her eyes focused, her muscles trembling wid the effort of the run, her hair flying, and suddenly she soars. You crane ur neck and it seems she is going up, up, up…… forever, towards the skies, towards eternity. Suddenly, there is a break, it seems she is snapped bak to mother earth as she turns her body and comes down and falls, on her back, spread-eagled on to the foam. You quickly look up. The bar remains where it is, even though its trembling. You look at her and she is standing, hands raised, face glowing in a crowd; the sounds roll down like waves on a sea shore, one after another. You ask ur dad why ppl r clapping and he says, “She has broken a record”. Without your realizing it, the hair on ur arms and legs stand up, like a porcupine, and then and there u decide that u want to be like her, this beautiful women, who is grace in motion, the cynosure of all eyes….

And it is from this small opening that the dream unfolds. With proper support and luck u, cud make it in life like this unknown athlete u have seen. B it any field, any thing, gripped by passion and the desire to succeed u can make it BIG in life…


Unknown said...

u have put ur thoughts into words.. u always rock in that n now u proved it again. I was able to visualise each n every moment of the situation,very descriptive and gud one :) Which record u r aiming to break? :P

Dreamer said...

thanks:) i'm planning to break d record of.. wait..yosichu solren..!

Unknown said...

cool :) feelin sad dat i ve missed your blogs these many days ! inime ll keep track !

Dreamer said...

@janaki.. plz do :)