Saturday, February 19, 2011

What will you do?

Have you ever felt like sitting down all day staring at nothing not wanting to do anything?

Have you ever felt like you wanna laugh this minute and cry the next minute and storm n rage the next and go all quiet at the end of 4th minute?

Which will hurt more - You hurt inside and show ppl you are happy or you hurt inside and show it to everyone that u r hurt?

How pathetic it would feel when someone shows u sympathy when u want it d most and dont want to admit that u want it?

What will you do when you initiate a conversation you have been longing to for a long time with a person and after a moment into it, you feel like its a nightmare?

How long will it take to heal a broken heart?

How to stop missing someone when u know that missing only increases the pain?

How to stop feeling what u r feeling even after knowing that u shudnt feel that way?

Help me find answers! 


Unknown said...

1.No i havent felt like that. but i hav felt bein nothing. lyk ur mind is blank and u dont think of anythng. just keep wondering wat u r doin!
2. i would wanna laugh at myslf then wud feel bad.. but i dont CRY! just b upset.
3.u r hurt inside yet u try hard tat u r not.
4.try 2 escape the situation, hide!
5.guess the scar stays forevr
6.i dono but d popular advice is move on/get urslf interestd in somthng.
7. evn tho i shouldnt feel tat way, i do, means its just d way iam..i feel tat way, bcoz to me its hapening tat way, cant b changed..

vid said...
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swami said...

u kno what.. logic answers most of those! but Its just that the answers are not acceptable! which invalidates your statement asking for answers :D start reading about philosophy explained by logic.. I think you will like it!

Unknown said...

off late i am experiencing the first qs often :) lol. Answers to these qs may sound weird to some ppl, n for others it may not. I think i have gone thru these situations but stil i dunno to answer them,just like our exam paper (i know the qs,but dunno the solution).If u get it, let me know :P

Dreamer said...

@karthi, experience speaks :)
6. easier said than done!

@swami..logic nu paatha udane i knew it was u commenting nu!!

sure. i will release a book wid my perspective on it :P so many ppl want to kno d ans :D

Vidya said...

Life is sometime full of questions.. but will show the answers in the course of journey..