Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Air-borne - Part One

She settled down for her 263rd flight. To the ever beautiful land of Mumbai. She was exhausted after a gruelling day at work. She just wanted to close her eyes and be left alone. It was a window seat. There had been times when she would have been completely excited at having the window seat. She always liked peering through the window. High above, it will give her the feeling that she is inside a bubble. A bubble where nothing or nobody can touch her. A bubble of clouds. A temporary safe cocoon. It will always give her the adrenaline rush, when the plane tears through the clouds on its descent, when she used to count the minutes until she will hit the reality. Hit the ground. 

Now, after 262 flights, she did not feel any of the excitement.

Her mind wandered to her first flight. About 8 years back, she took her first flight to Mumbai. She travelled with a friend who takes flights every other day. She was surprised that anyone flying could be so disinterested about it.  She kept chattering non-stop - about the airports, about the travellers, about the ‘frisking’, about the security check for women. She jumped up and down in excitement when the safety instructions were briefed and she read the safety pamphlet back to front without leaving a word. What if she had to use it? A very sane rational fear! Her friend was silently observing her, stifling a grin. He was kind enough to refrain from telling her that, after ten or so flights, all these will become boring, if not tedious. He knew that if he had told, she would have denied point black. So he kept his mouth shut. He let her experience. 

That was the day she fell in love with him, all over again. Off all the guys she has had the pleasure to be friends with, this one was different. He made her feel alive. Oh he can pamper and court. All in earnest. Once when she went out with him, he never let her feet touch the ground. Or may be she always felt high. Anyway. She wearily opened one eye to see that the food trolley was approaching. They were bringing dinner. Dinner in the planes will be hot and she needed hot. She mustered all her energy to sit up straight and start on dinner. Thinking about him had curbed her of all her hunger. Drained her. 

Its almost five full years since she saw him or heard from him. They had parted after they both had married and decided its best to stay away. Okay. They married different people because,they were foolish enough to believe that they were not right for each other. They fought too often for starters. She missed him. All those years without him in life, hit her in the face and she desperately wanted to call him. Once they were the closest. When they hangout with their friends, everyone around felt their connect. The aura that they cast around themselves and people around them. It was beyond magical and may be thats why it had to stop. Calling would not be wise. He has a family of his own and she, hers. No. It would be totally unwise. She thanked God that she is 40000 feet above ground and in no way to make any call, let alone him. However, she wished. Wished with all her heart that she see him. Just once may be. To see what time has done to him. If he still had that moustache, if he still had that twinkle in his eyes. If his eyes would still light up when she came in front of him. She sighed again. She would always love him, no matter what. Even after having her own family whom she loves dearly. 

She gripped the seat belt tightly. She wanted to land soon. She closed her eyes and settled down for an uncomfortable nap.


logic said...

Awesome narration! Could get to the depth of the emotions/feelings portrayed and IMHO this is difficult unless u felt it or spent time with who had it 😊 waiting for part 2

logic said...

Check this one out- its a series

logic said...

Whats up where is your part 2????

Vidya said...

Wow... Exciting intro and superb narration.. can't wait for the part 2..

App Development Mumbai said...

Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.