Sunday, March 21, 2010

Little drops of happiness

What makes a person happy?
It can be anything. A small smile from a stranger, a song, a passing comment, an appreciation, a surprise meeting of someone when u least expect it, high marks, bunking of classes and getting away with it, escaping a surprise test AND......... reading a comment for ur post in ur blog!!
When we actually take time and look at these things, its all small things that make our lives.Now the reason for this post is abt the last point I mentioned above - posting a comment for a post you read. Who wont love an appreciation. Well. ok. it need not be appreciation but the sheer happiness that there are actually some ppl who take time to read ur post can make the blogger really happy.

So kindly do share ur thoughts by way of comments when you read any blog. You never know what might inspire a person and put a neat smile on their face!


Vidya said...

Nice one... dunno what to comment.. but jus wanna write something to make a "drop of happiness" yours.. :)

Dreamer said...

@ vidya..
thats really sweet of u :) thank u:)

Unknown said...

This comment is not to appreciate for wat u have posted.This is to tel u that i read ur blogs regularly.i know even this wil bring a smile in ur face :)

Dreamer said...

@ did..:)